The Transplant Tour
For 2024, Funraising Tours was hoping to undertake The Transplant Tour once again which would have included six new Transplant Centres amongst the seven we planned to visit. It was to begin in Cardiff and end in London and would cover 400 miles in six days. Again it was to be run on behalf of Give a Kidney Regrettably, we were unable to recruit sufficient new riders to make the event viable. We now plan to start right away with planning for the same event to take place next year, dates to be confirmed, but likely to be again in September. It will commence at the University Hospital of Wales and we will arrive at The Royal Free Hospital six days later. En route we plan to visit The Freeman Hospital in Bristol, the Churchill Hospital in Oxford where we received such a warm welcome in 2023, then it's on to the University Hospital Coventry. This will be followed later that day by a visit to Leicester, and then onto Addenbrooke's Hospital in Cambridge. Seasoned members of the support team will ensure that our needs are catered for.
The charity was formed to raise awareness of the fact that anyone can step forward as a living donor to help a stranger in need on the transplant waiting list (known as non-directed living kidney donation), in much the same way as someone might offer to give blood to someone they do not know.
As well as raising funds for the organisation, the ride aims to increase awareness of the need for more potential living donors to help those people who might otherwise die or lead a significantly restricted life for want of a kidney. Living donation is the very best treatment option for most people with end stage kidney disease, and there are thousands of people on the transplant waiting list in need of a kidney.
For more information about the ride, please complete the form on the Contact Us page